New Google Dirve | Nagarams Blog

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

New Google Dirve

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Hai friends

     Did you tried new Google Drive?

Yes!! Google changed a lot it drive, in its appearance and control.
More over it's Apps are fabulous and very useful.
A lots of useful Apps are available as Add-ons to G- Drive for free.
One i loved is Shortcuts for every operation. (You don't need to right click on a file and click on the share and again share to copy the link, it just select file and click full stop button (.) to get the link).
Press CTRL + / or ? to see all shortcuts in drive.
Example Apps:

Drive Notepad: I love this app because any document (Docx, TXT, HTML etc ) can be edited online with out downloading , and the best part is the file in the drive is automatically updated with new modifications when you save it. Is n't it cool.

Google Apps Script:   With this we can create code online and test it

PDF to WORD Convert: Convert your PDF files in to WORD files and automatically store them in Drive

Google Bookmarks : Stores all browsing history.

And a lot more to link with your drive. So what are you waiting for go to your Google Drive click on the settings button on top right corner and click on the try new Google drive.
That's it you activated new Google Drive and follow the below picture and activate Apps in which you are interested and enjoy.

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