Chat with Friends connected in LAN via Command Prompt
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A simple code to chit chat with friends connected in LAN via Command Prompt.
Just copy the below code with out ===, paste it in note pad & save it as .bat extension.
Then double click on the created file to enjoy the chat.
@echo off
echo LAN Messenger
set /p From=Type Your Name:
set /p target=Target IP Address:
set /p user=user number:
set /p body=Message:
msg /server:%target% %user% Message From %From%: %body%
echo Your Message has been sent.
set /p DUMMY=Press Enter to send another message or close
goto :B
set /p body=Message:
msg /server:%target% %user% Message From %From%: %body%
goto :B
This is one way messenger, to chat from both ways, both users must have this code.
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Just copy the below code with out ===, paste it in note pad & save it as .bat extension.
Then double click on the created file to enjoy the chat.
@echo off
echo LAN Messenger
set /p From=Type Your Name:
set /p target=Target IP Address:
set /p user=user number:
set /p body=Message:
msg /server:%target% %user% Message From %From%: %body%
echo Your Message has been sent.
set /p DUMMY=Press Enter to send another message or close
goto :B
set /p body=Message:
msg /server:%target% %user% Message From %From%: %body%
goto :B
This is one way messenger, to chat from both ways, both users must have this code.
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Thank You
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